libertarian national committee


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Mimi’s Goals

As Vice Chair, I intend to be the chief assistant to the Chair, performing such duties as the Chair shall prescribe, and to act on behalf of the membership. As a voting member of the committee, I will focus on fostering a professional and deliberative body, and I will support transparency by limiting the use of executive session to only those proscribed in the bylaws.

We need a well functioning LNC to do the job of a political party. We need qualified staff and committees who are empowered to support our affiliates and help elect Libertarians to public office.

I am not a member of any partisan caucus and am committed to working with my colleagues, whomever they may be, on behalf of the party and its members.


I have been a registered Libertarian and a member of the national party since 1982.

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Most of that time I worked as an activist. I have volunteered for many campaigns over the years, including both of Harry Browne’s, both of Gary Johnson’s and the Jo Jorgensen campaign in 2020, as well as other local campaigns. When I was in college, I started a Libertarian group on campus and worked on the planning and execution of one of the largest-ever marches in Washington, D.C. for women’s rights.

I ran for state-level public office in California twice and on the general election ballot both times. In 2018 I was the first (and I believe only) alternative-party candidate to place in the “top-two” in a contested primary, beating a Democratic and a Green Party candidate, and advancing to the general election against the incumbent.

I am currently the Chair of the LP California Judicial Committee and Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County. I served as Chair of the Libertarian Party of California from 2018 to 2023. Prior to that I served as Secretary. During my tenure as Chair, party membership grew by 50 percent and revenue increased by about the same percentage. We were able to hire outside consultants, including an accounting firm, and a paid webmaster and the state party had an executive director. I have served on the national Credentials Committee, and in 2018 I served as Secretary on the national Platform Committee.

Prior to becoming an engineer I had a background in accounting, having worked as a consultant for several small businesses. I have been involved in sales as well as fundraising for non-profits.

I do not belong to any particular faction of the party, and am not a member of any internal caucus, with the expection of the Psychedelic Caucus, where I have previously served as Secretary. That caucus is a single-issue caucus championing the decriminalization of psilocybin and other hallucinogens.

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“Mimi is kind, open, and willing to work with anyone focused on moving liberty forward. I look forward to Mimi bringing the professionalism and success that she helped foster in the LPC to the LNC.”

~Jami Van Alstine, Michigan

“As a candidate for vice chair of the Libertarian National Committee, Mimi Robson isn't boastful -- but she should be. Mimi's stellar record of both activism and HARD WORK for the party, from chairing its largest state affiliate, to breaking through California's "Top Two" barrier and into the general election for state legislature, to her service on the party's national platform committee, and so much more -- always working across factional lines to build the party up without drama -- make her not just the best candidate for the job, but the IDEAL candidate for the job.”

~Tom Knapp

I am pleased to offer my endorsement for Mimi Robson's candidacy for Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee. While Mimi has not served directly on the LNC, her leadership as the Chair of the Libertarian Party of California speaks volumes about her qualifications and commitment to advancing libertarian principles.

Mimi Robson has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills during her tenure as Chair of the Libertarian Party of California. Her ability to organize, inspire, and unite individuals around the cause of liberty is truly commendable. Mimi's dedication to individual freedom, limited government, and free markets is unwavering, and she has a proven track record of effectively advocating for these principles.

As Vice Chair of the LNC, Mimi Robson would bring a fresh perspective, strategic thinking, and a strong voice for libertarian values. Her experience in leading a state party and her passion for promoting liberty make her an ideal candidate for this important role.

I am confident that Mimi Robson will serve with integrity, competence, and dedication as Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, and I urge all members to support her candidacy.

~Tim Hagan

Treasurer Emeritus, Libertarian National Committee (2012-2022); Director, Kevin Hagan for State Representative (Texas 2024)

“Mimi Robson would make an excellent Vice Chair of the LNC. Though she was a longtime party member in California, I hadn’t spoken to or met Mimi until 2016 when I was recruiting candidates. Mimi readily agreed to run for State Senator and ended up in a 2-way race where she won 48,000 votes. Her campaign spurred her to become active in party matters, and when the Secretary of the Libertarian Party of California resigned, Mimi volunteered to be the new Secretary, a job she performed with much-needed competence and ability.

When I had an opportunity to move to Texas and needed to leave the Chair position mid-term, the first person I called was Mimi to see if she wanted to be Chair. She readily agreed, and because she was the only person I felt was qualified to take over at that time, it relieved my mind to leave the California party in her capable hands.

Mimi served as California Chair for five years, winning 2 ½ terms, and was well-suited to the position of leading the party’s largest state affiliate. She is a structural engineer by trade, and her organizational and leadership skills were put to good use.

Now we need a Vice Chair like Mimi Robson. The LNC has not been run up to the standards Libertarians expect of their leadership. There is a lot of conflict and disarray. Changes are needed. And Mimi Robson is the best candidate to be part of that change for the next two years. Mimi Robson will make a great Vice Chair. Please join me in voting to elect Mimi Robson as Vice Chair of the LNC. “

~Ted Brown

LP member since 1979; former LNC Regional Rep

Chair; LP California Chair, 2015-18; Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas, 2024

Contact Mimi

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